Negotiation of Agreements

Appendix B: Recommended Sources for Further Information

The following sources contain valuable information on what to include in Impact Benefit Agreements and Accommodation Agreements:

Ginger Gibson and Ciaran O’Faircheallaigh, “IBA Community Toolkit” (Toronto: Walter & Duncan Gordon Foundation, 2010), online: <>. Contains extensive and detailed information on negotiating an Impact Benefit Agreement.

Murray Browne and Krista Robertson, “Benefit Sharing Agreements in British Columbia: A Guide for First Nations, Businesses and Governments” (Victoria: Ecosystem-Based Management Working Group, undated), online: <>.

Krista Robertson, “Accommodation Agreements” (Vancouver: Ecotrust Canada & Aboriginal Mapping Network, 7 November 2007), online: <>. Contains an overview of topics to consider when negotiating accommodation agreements.

Michael Lewis and Sara-Jane Brocklehurst, Aboriginal Mining Guide: How to negotiate lasting benefits for your community (Port Alberni: Canadian Centre for Community Renewal, 2009), online:  <

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